this carrd will teach you anything and everything you would ever need to know about glaggles! how joyus!only the common types of glaggles will be listed, aswell as information about the glaggleland massacre.


Sobbers are glaggles that have gone through extreme trauma, permanently frowning. They are more dull, and are a bummer to be around. Most are survivors of the glaggleland massacre. They have more spaced out eyes than normal glaggles. Most are kept in care of a professional glaggler caretaker, though there is wild sobbers.


Changlugs are a form of glaggle that can transform into any sorts of shapes. They are always happy, and are very sticky and melty when in their base form. Any item they become will be yellow and have their smile. They are decently rare, but are still found quite often in the wild. Most of the time they are in stores, mimicking an item.

The glaggleland massacre

The glaggleland massacre is an event that took place at the glaggleland theme park. Its an event where thousands of glaggles were brutally tortured, most turning into sobbers. Many people like to deny the event ever happened, but theres a good chunk of people who recognize the massacre is real, and the best thing we can do is pay our condolences to the sobbers who have survived this torture.


Gigglers are one of the more common forms of glaggles. You can identify them by their straight mouth ends. They are less saturated then other glaggles, calm, friendly, and accept that the glaggle massacure has happened. There are no dangers when it comes to gigglers!


Enphosos are another common type of glaggle. They are more saturated then most glaggles, and can be identified by their curved mouth ends. They are very hyper, and are more timid then other glaggle types. Some are more agrresive than others. They are also known to deny that the glaggle massacure ever happened. Its suggested to take caution when interacting with Enphosos.


Gleegus are a bit less comon than Gigglers and Enphosos, but still one of the more known ones. You can identify them by noticing they have no mouth ends. They are calm and collected, very neutural emotions. They accept that the glaggleland massacre happened, but prefer not to descuss it. They are the most common to be seen kept as comfort pets.